Species: M. alba
Family: Moraceae
The white mulberry, is probably the most elegant of all mulberries. It is one of the few with visible flowers, which are white, stays relatively small and has great growth. The white mulberry, or as I like to call it ‘Queenie’ because if the Paki is King than white is Queen due to elegance, has large leaves and good coverage making it a great ground cover, although it can be allowed to tree up to 10-15ft. The white can be placed in either full sun or partial sun, but must be in well drained soil. It does not do well in very cold areas and is only zoned for the cold to zone , but does excellent in the south were the cold is not prolonged. I recommend using organic fertilizer such as Espoma Citrustone or Jobes, some recommend 10-10-10, yet I prefer half that 6-5-5 or close to it. The best bet is to use manure, it is naturally 5-5-5. The berries must be completely white, violete or pinkish when eaten. . . not green!
Health Benefits:
According to researchers, esp. Dr. Walt’s http://www.drwalt.com/blog/?p=4990, the white mulberry leaves and berries help with type 2 diabetes. In Japan, scientists have discovered the leaf fights plaque in the arteries! The berries also have common health benefits with the other mulberry species.
Berries of Miami - 'The Berry Man'
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